
September proved to be a good month for me. I have written before about how I enjoy submitting images to Landscape Photography Magazine. It is a very nice magazine, published in the UK and I think they do one of the best job of supporting the community they represent. So I feel honored when the publish one of my images. This month the not only published the image above which was a finalist for last months contest on sunrises, but I also had my article “Friendship” published and a double page spread of the image from Eastern Texas:

So first the article: (But let me do a little explaining first….The magazine is published in in a PDF format from which I extracted my article and the other two sections for my web site. I had no idea how difficult it was going to be to publish a PDF on the Squarespace web site, or more specifically to being able to convert a pdf document to html. after a bunch of trial and error by using ISSUU, connoting the pdf to a Microsoft Powerpoint document, using Google Drive, etc, I finally settled on converting the files to a png and using Squarespace’s Gallery option for the best results. Should anyone want a copy of the article I will put a link to the pdf document at the end of this post.)

below is a copy of my full page spread in the Landscape Photography Magazine in September, taken in Eastern Texas

Last is my runner up images for the August contest on “sunrises.” it is self explanatory.


Defused Light


Negative Space