The perfect DSLR, LCD cover, iPhone's Crystal Screen from Power Support

Becoming frustrated with the lack of viable LCD screen protectors for our digital cameras, I decided to make one myself from Power Support's Crystal Screen which they make for iPhones and iPads. I went this route is after using the Crystal Screen on my wife's 4s and my 4 a for a year or more. One of their iPhone packages contains two films, more than enough for a couple of cameras and one or two test cuts. I cut them to fit the vertical and horizontal measurements and then slightly noticed the ends to accommodate the LCD's rounded corners.  I now have one of them installed on my Nikon D800E's and my Nikon 3200 to great effect. They provide a nice clean look, protect the LCD and allow a clean clear view of the monitor and reduce the glare with its mat finish. I highly recommend giving it a try. At $14.95, it is a nice value.


Black and White:


Happiness is discovering a "really big" field of camas