Best of 2022
Stairs to the Ponte de la Bande from Campo Santa Maria Formosa, early morning, Venice, Italy
Endeavoring to decide which was one’s best shots of the prior year is kind of a worthwhile project as it give’s me a chance to review what I did, accomplished, or fell down as compared to previous years. I think 2022 was a mixed bag. The first part of the year was rather unproductive but then we were crawling out of the pandemic and looking to get our lives back together. It didn’t help that on one of our first real adventures we ended up with covid on the East coast which ultimately led to a 5 day driving trip across the US. No pictures, just a lot of driving. In terms of picture count, 2022 was on around the bottom 1/3 of my annual production. However, my photography friends, otherwise called the Breaking Wind Group, made a late year trip to Georgia for waterfalls, colors and bald cypress. The trip turned out to be one of our best trips with great shots and wonderful scenery.
Coquille Point, Bandon Oregon, very early morning
Starting off the year is this shot of Coquille Point, shot at the beginning of February in the early morning. I have been occasionally trying my hand nighttime photography and I rather liked this image with the blurred ocean, the lights from town on the top of the rocks and the stars. This was shot with a Sony A1, Sony G 14mm f/1.8 at 1600 for 14sec.
Bandon Beach, early morning with Face Rock in the distance
The next image I am featuring here is this early June shot of one of the many rocks on Bandon beach with Face Rock in the distance. I rather like this image with the color of the rock, the nice diagonal line from the little pool to Face rock, the balance of the image and the full moon. A very blue tone to it.
Looking at the Palazz Tetta from the Ponte dei Conzafelzi
After 10 years, my wife and I returned to Venice to lag some time in Europe, a trip denied in 2020. This is quite a fascinating image as there is this little island, of which Venice has many, but the western edge has this facade of the Palazz Tetta. On the left is the Rio de San Giovanni Grisostomo, on the back side is the Rio de S Lorenzo, and the return trip on the right is the Rio della Tetta.
For some reason, my production of Venice images was not as great as when we traveled there previously, but again, I think I got some really nice images, like the one at the top of the page, the Black and White of the stairs leading to the Ponte de la Bande in the early morning
Time lapse of the Grand Canal from the Ponte de l'Accademia
When doing my research on our trip to Venice, I noticed that there were several photographers doing time lapse images from the Ponte de l'Accademia and so thought I would try my hand at it . This is actually the blending of several images. It is a slightly different image than the typical shot of the Grand Canal and of the Santa Maria della Salute on the right.
Small Island in Stone Mountain Lake, Georgia
I rather like this simple image of a small island in Stone Mountain Lake, Georgia. We had stopped at Stone Mountain for the Washington W King Covered Bridge and the Stone Mountain Grist Mill on a heavily overcast/foggy morning and when wondering around I noticed this shot. A nice simple image with a dose of negative space. Not being from Georgia, I had no idea that Stone Mountain was the home of a huge granite carving, which we wouldn’t been able to see anyway because of the cloud cover.
Banks Lake, Georgia, nice reflections and yellow bush among the bald cypress trees
My last image here is of the bald cypress at Banks Lake in Georgia. I particularly like this image with the little yellow bush among the trunks of the bald cypress trees. We had a really fabulous time. We were fortunate to hit the cinnamon/orange colors of the cypress at their peek and the water was so still and calm to get some fantastic reflections.
To see the rest of my favorites, you can visit my Flickr account here Best of 2022