This year's winter in Portland
This winter has been pretty amazing in terms of snow, the evening of January 10 it snowed all night and by the time we got up there was approximately 13 inches of snow and no power. Fortunately the power came on around 9 in the morning. I had fun going out and capturing some images of Portland as well as our area in NW Portland. The only bummer of the day was that the Japanese Garden was closed. The picture above is from Jamison Square in the Pearl District......One of the several Photography web sites I fallow is Skip Cohen's SKU, Skip Cohen's University. One of his recent entries is entitled Seven Great ways for Photographers to Lose Customers. It's a great article and worth checking out. The one of the seven that applies to me is "You've got a blog but you post only once every full moon." Well, I hate to admit but it has really been the story of this web site. So my goal is to get a post every week